Loan Office Trust Accounting.
Currently in Beta testing this applications is targeted at Real Estate
Broker and Mortgage Brokers who need quick, accurate, and easy way to manage
their trust funds.
Loan Management Systems
This division of American Riviera Software specializes in Loan and Lease Accounting
Systems for large enterprises. Scalable from departmental networks
to large multi-location Unix installations, LMS is customized for a
clients specific needs.

Magtax is an end users software product for printing and electronically
filing 1099 and W2 forms. First in the industry to import data from
QuickBooks, Magtax has been in production since 1984. Lowest price
in the business also makes Magtax attractive.

Currently under development, Loan Office is a Windows based Loan and
Lease Management system for smaller businesses. Specifically being
developed because the hard costs of LMS are too high for this
market. A user installable system is required for this market.

An Application Service Provider in development. We are developing
on-line solutions for infrequently used accounting products.
